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 | .CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO & RADIO TUBES FOR SALE | ST means ST (coke bottle shaped), GL means globe or pear shaped, and TB means Tennis Ball shaped. NIB means new in box. BBT means brass based and tipped, BB means brass based and no tip, BL means a black bakelite type of base, G means a G tube like a 6L6G (which cost more than ST shaped tubes). WE is Western Electric. RCA is RCA or Cunningham or RCA/Cunningham since all are the same manufacturer.
Because some tube buyers are wanting me to match tubes for them and send pictures, taking hours of my time, and then not even have the grace to respond to my return email, I am forced to charge $30 to my Paypal account ( for taking pictures. I hate to do this but in a recent week after spending 13 hours testing tubes and sending pictures of the tubes to 3 different buyers and not even hearing back from them, I have added this charge. I only want to deal with people who really want to buy tubes. I WILL REFUND THE $30 COST OF THE PICTURES IF SOME OR ALL OF THE TUBES PICTURED ARE BOUGHT. ALSO, AFTER YOU HAVE BOUGHT FROM ME, IN THE FUTURE THERE WILL BE NO COST FOR TAKING PICTURES OF TUBES.
00A $19.00;
01A (UX) GL (pear) shape $19.00; UV (short pin 01A) Short pin globe $$30; ST shape 15.00; Brass Based & Tipped 49.00; Brass Based and not tipped $39; Rainbow $79; Airline gold colored $85; Blue Arcturus $99 each; 5 Globe UX201A Tubes for $99 or five UV201A tubes for $149 including shipping in the US.
1L6 35.00
2A3 110.00; RCA 150.00
2A5 14.00
5AR4, GZ34 75.00 Metal $150.00
5R4 14.00
5T4 10.00
5U4 16.00
5V4 10.00
5W4 10.00
5Y3 10.00
5Z3 15.00
5Z4 12.00
6A3 48.00
6AQ5 8.00
6B4 58.00
6B5 12.00
6BM8 12.00
6D6 6.50
6DJ8 10.00, European and RCA higher
6E5 eye 25.00
6F6 11.00
6G5 eye 38.00
6H6 7.00
6K6 12.00
6L6 metal 8.00
6L6 glass, 15.00
6L6G 30.00, RCA/Cunningham $35.00
6L6GA or GB 20.00
6L6GC 27.00 RCA 40.00
6N6 19.00
6SA7 8.00
6SJ7 8.00
6SK7 8.00
6SL7 10.00
6SN7 13.00 (RCA & European more)
6SQ7 8.00
6U5 eye 38.00
6U8 11.00
6V6GT 15.00; RCA 22.00; 6V6G 30.00; 6V6G RCA $35; Metal 6V6 $8.00
6Z4/84 8.00
10/10Y 59.00; RCA 90.00
12A 30.00
12AT7 USA 10.00
12AT7 RCA or Tungsol 14.00
12AT7 European check on availability
12AU7 USA 12.00
12AU7 RCA/Tungsol 20.00
12AU7 European check on availability
12AX7 USA 15.00
12AX7 RCA/Tungsol 25.00
12AX7 European check on availability
12AY7 12.00
12AZ7 10.00
12BA6 8.00
12BE6 8.00
12SA7 8.00
12SK7 9.00
12SN7 8.00
12SQ7 8.00
19 9
20 $38 limited supply
22 10.50
24/A 14.00
25L6 8.00
25Z5 9.00
25Z6 9.00
26 ST 15.00; RCA 20.00
26 GL 25.00; RCA 30.00
27 ST 14.00; GL 19.00
30 14.00; GL 25.00
31 12.00
32 8.00
33 9.00
34 8.00
35/51 8.50; GL 14.00
35L6 8.00
35W4 8.00
35z5 9.00
36 8.00
37 9.00; GL 20.00
38 8.00; GL 12.00
39/44 7.00; GL 10.00
41 12.00
42 12.00
45 ST, various manufacturers 48.00
45 ST RCA 75.00
45 GL RCA Radiotron UX245 150.00
45 GL, various manufacturers 100.00
46 18.00; GL 35.00
47 18.00; GL 29.00
48 15.00
50 180.00-280.00
50B5 9.00
50C5 9.00
50L6 9.00
53 9
55 9.00
56 9.00; GL 17.00
57 9.00; GL 13.00
58 10
59 11.00
71A ST Various Brands 25.00; RCA/Deforest/Tungsol 35.00
71A GL 45.00; RCA/Deforest/Tungsol 55.00
75 10.00
76 11.00
77 10.00
78 10.00
80 ST 19.00; RCA 25.00
80 GL 50.00; RCA 70.00
81 14.00
83V 35.00
99 UX $29.00; UV199 $35
101D WE Check for availability
101F WE Check for availability
112A SEE 12A
117L7 9.00
117Z3 9.00
117Z6 9.00
171A See 71A
120 See 20
199/299 (UX or UV) See 99
200A/300A (UX or UV) 17.00
201A/301A (UX or UV) GL shape $22.00; BBT 55.00; ST shape 19.00; NIB GL 38.00
202 $Check
203A $95.00
205D WE Check for availability
210 SEE 10
211D & E WE & GE.I can only test for continuity and send a picture if you are interested. GE $190 and WE $350-$800.
215A WE I have some for $39 each
216A WE Tennis ball shaped 216A tubes check.
224A/324A See 24A
227 See 27
230 See 30
231D WE Check availability
235/251 SEE 35/51
236/336 SEE 36
237/337 SEE 37
245/345 SEE 45
264C WE check
271A See 71A
274A WE Check if I have any.
275A WE Yellow stamped base, check for availability.
280/380 SEE 80
281/381 SEE 81
300B WE Check if I have any
301A See 01A
310A or B WE Check for availibility.
314A WE check for availability
328A WE Check for availability
329A WE Check for availability
408A WE $10.00
807 10.00
1629 eye $20
2050 12.00
5691 35.00
5692 40.00
5693 20.00
5751 16.00
5814A 12.00
5881 35.00
6267 19.00; EUROPEAN MORE
6336 48.00
6550 Tung-sol 275.00. A few others are less
7027A 45.00
7199 22.00
7308 19.00; EUROPEAN MORE
7581 55.00; RCA 65
7591 55.00
BH 12.00
EL 37 Mullard NIB 200.00
EL 84 14.00 European more
KT-66 clear $180.00; smoke $220.00
KT-88 230.00
VT1 WE Check for availability
VT2 WE Tennis ball shape; Check for availability
VT 25 $70; WE etched base $100; WE White base $150
VT 25A $70; WE etched base $100; WE White base $160
VT 52 $150; WE $385 Check for availibility
WD-11 black no tip 55.00; black tip $85.00; BBT & repaired 125.00; Brass based & Tipped $195.00 Can only guarantee filament continuity.
WD-12/CX-12 black no tip 45.00; BBT 85.00 Can only guarantee filament continuity.
I have a wide range of tubes for sale. This is only a SAMPLE. Most are used but test STRONG�no marginal tubes. If there is a tube that you don�t see here, I probably have it or can get it. CONTACT ME Listed is a very small sample of what I have. ST means ST (coke bottle shaped), Gl means globe or pear shaped, and TB means Tennis Ball shaped. NIB means new in box. BBT means brass based and tipped, BB means brass based and no tip, BL means a black bakelite type of base, G means a G tube like a 6L6G (which usually cost more than ST shaped tubes).
Be sure to ask any questions about a tube BEFORE you buy it. Because the listing may not be a complete description of the item, it is important to ask questions first to clarify any misunderstandings - do not buy it if you are in doubt concerning the tubes' suitability for its intended purpose. Unless described otherwise, all items are used and sold as-is without warranty - do not assume anything that is not detailed or missing in the description.
SHIPPING: Tubes are wrapped in bubble wrap and typically boxed with Styrofoam peanuts or packing material. I ship by Fedex ground or the US Post Office. I recommend insurance; if it is not insured, the buyer assumes risk of loss or damage. All items are shipped F.O.B., Fort Worth, Texas, or Deer River, MN, USA--meaning that the sellers responsibility ends when the item has been shipped.
CONTACT ME with your want list and I will provide prices and availability. Shipping in the US: 1st tube is $6 and additional tubes are shipped at $1 a tube for miniature tubes (like 12AX7) and $2 a tube for larger tubes. Minimum order is $25. |