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Paragon Adams-Morgan RA 10 & DA 2 Radio & Amp
The Paragon RA 10 & DA 2. The Adams-Morgan Co produced the Paragon RA 10 tuner in 1920 and offered it for $85. The matching detector and 2 step amplifier, the DA 2, was introduced in 1922 and cost $65. The Paragon was designed Paul Godley. It was Godley who designed the RA-6, the first commercially built shortwave regenerative receiver prior to WWI. Godley redesigned the tuner adding a variable condenser in the secondary circuit and a variometer in the plate circuit and this became the RA-10. The new Paragon RA-10 was Godley's choice as one of the receivers taken to Ardrossen, Scotland for the Amateur Transatlantic Tests, in December 1921. Though most of the stations were actually received on Godley's homebrew superhet, an RA-10 and a proto-type DA-2 were set-up on the receiving table in Godley's tent at Ardrossen. The company took full advantage of the advertising potential of the transatlantic tests claiming the Paragon had received all of the ham stations. As a matter of fact, the RA-10/DA-2 were, and still are, very good performers and probably could have received much of what was claimed.

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